Fly Agaric and Tufted Bellcaps

This fly agaric toadstool was under a silver birch tree by a car park. using flash showed up the little bellcaps in the wood chips.

Ref: f/ag/bellcap

Date: 07/11/2008

Location: Hertfordshire, UK

Photographer: Elizabeth Debenham

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7x5 glossy print £7.00
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Fly Agaric and Tufted Bellcaps

This fly agaric toadstool was under a silver birch tree by a car park. using flash showed up the little bellcaps in the wood chips.

Ref: f/ag/bellcap

Date: 07/11/2008

Location: Hertfordshire, UK

Photographer: Elizabeth Debenham

Pay by PayPal

7x5 glossy print £7.00
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